Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Buffalo Alley 10K

Saturday, November 7th, 2009
Buffalo Alley 10K on Camp Pendleton... this race benefits the fallen and wounded soldiers. God bless the U.S.A.

The LOVE and SUPPORT of my family means everything to me!!

Addie (my running buddy) and me at the starting line.

This course is a tough one. It is ALL hills (mountains) and between the elevation and the cold weather I had an asthma attack within the first mile. I took my inhaler and convinced Addie to go ahead without me. I managed to keep moving and recovered by mile 3. Whew!

Addie finished 13 minutes ahead of me (PROUD of her) and came back to get me... now that's a great racing buddy! I felt so accomplished after completing this race and I mean to tell you that this course was UP hill BOTH ways!!!
 I am now training to RuN my first HALF marathon in February 2010. http://www.caldreaminracing.com/
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Monday, November 2, 2009

Have I done any good lately?

YES... We DiD do GooD!! RACE for the CURE... 5k at Balboa park!

We RaN with a purpose. Cancer is NO good... no matter what kind it is!!! We CHOOSE to do this for those that have battled cancer and lost their fight...AND... for those still fighting the fight!
Me and my runnin' buddies, Addie and Diana. They are AMAZING! Thank you girls for such a memorable experience... See ya next year!!

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It was amazing to see my family receive us at the finish line... especially little Miss Kalea Sue... SHE inspires me everyday to DO better... to BE better!!

Friday, July 10, 2009


My sister and her family came for a visit... leaving my niece and nephew to enjoy the rest of their summer with us. It was so wonderful to see Becky Jo. We talk everyday on the phone but I had not seen her in person in over 4 years!!

Me, Becky Jo and Paige (my niece) at the beach in Oceanside.


Becky Jo, Daddy and Me... We love our Daddy!!


Me and my sister... enjoying the sunset.

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Becky Jo, Daryl, Paige and Zach... on the Oceanside pier.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Jeff's home... 7 weeks early!! Yippee!!
When Jeff told me he was coming home early... we decided to SURPRISE the kids. So I had to keep my excitement contained all alone for about 4 days. Then on Sunday (April 19) I took the kids to my Dad's house in LaJolla. When we came back, my dad had the kids across the street on the grounds of the San Diego temple. As we approached Brandon could see I was walking with someone but couldn't make out who it was... it was Kalea that instantly yelled "DADDY" and began to run towards us... the boys were right behind her. I think they were all in complete SHOCK!!

We are grateful for Jeff's service to our country and for his safe return home.
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Thursday, April 9, 2009


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March 5th, 2009: Brandon turned 11. He has been nicknamed "ACE" because he is our number one child (by order of birth). He looks like a gangsta with his new "VANS" hoodie and his wade of cash! Brandon plays as first baseman and pitcher for the Royals with the Oceanside Little League. He is a skateboarder and a complete California "Dude".

March 17th, 2009: Miss Kalea Sue turned 6. She has a SPUNK for life and a LOVE for everyone. She loves to be all GIRLIE but she will not be out done by her brothers... she is gearing up to play soccer soon.

April 5th, 2009: Our Joejoe Bean (as we have affectionately called him since his birth) turned 8. He, too plays on the Royals team with his big brother(and probably the only time that will happen). Joejoe is an outfielder and has caught his share of balls. He is getting excited to be baptized (when his daddy returns from Iraq that is). He is a builder... he has real talent when it comes to building with Legos. He loves transformers, too. Joejoe is ALL BOY and has a CURIOSITY for everything and an ENDLESS amount of energy!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

This is our LIFE... in the MILITARY.

Our kids are little troopers I tell ya... heads up and proud of their daddy as he heads off to Iraq (again).
Brandon says he will be the man of the house and gets a trail run on using daddy's cell phone while he's gone (to prove he is a big boy now). Joseph says he will listen and obey. AND little Miss Kalea Sue, with tears in her pretty blue eyes says she will take care of us all (Nami, Brandon, Joseph, Grandaddy Rickard and Mommy). She too promises to be a good girl.

As for me... goodbyes never get any easier... but I am proud... very proud of my hubby!!! This is... our life... in the military.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

NO MORE ... training wheels



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Jeff took Kalea's training wheels off this week. It has only taken him 2 days to teach her to ride without them. Jeff is AMAZING... he has a special technique in teaching them so fast.