Kalea and I took a road trip with my good friend, Susan Scharpf. We went to Vegas baby! Julene Cox, who will always be known to me as "sissy", got married!! She is now Mrs. Chris Bateman. It was a beautiful wedding in the Las Vegas Temple.

I was the Dippin' Dots server girl. It was so fun! The Dippin' Dots stand came complete with little cups which I served to the guests. At the end of the night Susan and I decided to fill our goblets full (forget those little cups) Yummy!! Not to mention lots of fun when you stick them to your tongue (as we have demonstrated for you above).
Top: Jeni and Sydney outside the temple.
Right: Kalea and Jacob. Kalea says she is going to grow up and marry Jacob.
Left: Kalea and Sissy. Kalea had so much fun with all the wedding festivities. She has been "playing wedding" with her flowers (the ones in the pictures) ever since we left Vegas.
Dani Cox, Sissy, Jeni, Susan Scharpf
Silly? Who? Us?
Oh yeah... sissy wouldn't have it any other way. :)
1 comment:
I remember you and me eating dippin dots when we took some road trip to Nashville!
ok, and now tag, you're it.
you have to go to my blog for more info..
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